Dr. Ayaz Asghaar

MBBS, DORCSI,DORCPI, FRCSI, MRCOophth (London) Ophthalmologist Mid Cheshire Hospital Foundation Trust

Mr Asghar is a Cheshire based ophthalmologist, graduated from AIMC in 1983.He has been trained and worked in different hospitals of Pakistan, Republic of Ireland and United Kingdom in different capacities, from SHO to Consultant Ophthalmologist (locum).Mr Asghar’s areas of subspecialty interest are Phacoemulsification cataract surgery,Femto Laser assisted Natural lens exchange with Multifocal IOL,Glaucoma, Medical retina and Ocular Ultrasound. Along with providing services in NHS for over 23 years he is also involved in Teaching, training, research and publications and has been appointed Accredited Assessor for trainees, by Royal College of Ophthalmologist, London, he is also accredited clinical supervision in his Trust.

Mr Asghar has been appointed Supervisor for Extended Independent Nurse Prescribing Programme, Chester University. He is National Ocular Ultrasound course instructor. He has represented doctors at Education forum at Mersey Deanery and is also Accredited BMA representative locally and at Mersey region level.Represents doctors at Joint Local Negociating Committee(JLNC) at MCHFT.
Along with his busy professional responsibilities, he supports various social and charitable projects in UK and Pakistan.
He is a Trustee of Hashim Welfare Hospital Appeal UK and leads its North West chapter.

Mr Asghar is also actively involved in a campaign for community health awareness of eye diseases and regularly participates in radio and community TV Health shows. Mr Asghar is Director of Association of Pakistani Physician & Surgeons UK (APPSUK), Allama Iqbal Medical College Alumni UK(AIMCAUK)
Mr Asghar is former chairman of both organisations APPSUK(www.appsuk.org)and AIMCAUK(www.aimcauk.org)
Mr Asghar is member of RCOPhth, ESCRS, BMA.